Offerta turistica in Albania

L'Albania si trova nell'Europa sud-orientale e si estende lungo le coste dell'Adriatico e dello Ionio, con una superficie di 28.748 m2 e una popolazione di 3.300.000 abitanti, possiede una meravigliosa gamma di natura meravigliosa e storia e culture archeologiche con ricchezze impressionanti.
Clima caldo in Albania, caratterizzato da estati calde e generalmente miti con piogge invernali, presenta una flora e una fauna affascinante, un panorama architettonico sensazionale, Alpi perplessi, fiumi e laghi bellissimi, uno spettacolare lungomare di 140 km in due zone della separazione tra Adriatico e Mar Ionio. Adriatico con acqua cristallina e lunghe spiagge sabbiose a Velipoje, Shen Gjin, Golem, Divjake, Valona.

Mentre la costa ionica lunga 150 km può essere descritta semplicemente come un miracolo: le spiagge sono piccole e rocciose, l'acqua è profonda nella riva. Agrumi e ulivi dominano tutto il rilievo, conferendogli un classico fascino mediterraneo.

Le aree montuose si estendono ovunque, con rilievi di bellissime colline e montagne come Korabi, Valbona, Thethi, Dardha, Voskopoja, Tomorri, Cika e Parchi Nazionali come Llogaraja, Dajti, Bozdoveci sono incredibili con fantastiche foreste, fiumi mozzafiato, caratteristiche grotte e cascate da esplorare, la pista naturale per lo sci e l'arrampicata su roccia. I piccoli e grandi laghi di Ohri, Shkodra, Shirok e Zogaj, Prespa con spiagge rocciose e sabbiose, così come i 12 laghi esotici di Lura offrono un paesaggio affascinante e splendidi paesaggi, non solo per prendere il sole. Un tesoro così ricco che l'Albania possiede rende una terra di fascino affascinante di molte alternative interessanti che ogni visitatore vorrebbe godere. Un luogo in cui la vita antica e moderna si intreccia, unendo il fascino del passato e la forza del futuro.

Alpine tourism

The rugged mountain range offers diverse alternatives of unrepeatable experiences, electrifying challenges to experience a real adventure and dynamic holidays.
Our packages focus on the inclusion of particular interest:

  • Mountain climbing
  • Extreme Mountain Cycling
  • Visits to the mountain caves
  • Climbing in mountain cliffs
  • Visits to the National Parks
  • Expeditions for Flora and Fauna

Price per person: €



Cultural and historical tourism

The traces of important historical events one is bound to enjoy, the country enjoys wonderful cultural wealth. Our packages offer visits and explanations in::

  • Folklore
  • Museums in different areas
  • Traditional Albanian music and dance
  • Sites and historical places

Price per person: €


më tepër...

Tourism in archaeological treasures

Treasures of archaeological sites are more than wonderful. Located in very special areas of Albanian beauty, they hold an incredible incredible wealth of history, art, culture, social and political development of the times..

  • Visit to archaeological sites
  • Visit to castles and fortresses
  • Visits to monasteries, churches and holy places
  • Visit to mosques and Muslim cult objects

Price per person: €


më tepër...

Tourism in the miracles of the sea

All kinds of nature, in one place. In the South of Albania you can find yourself coexisting with mountain, sea, lake, hill and field altogether. Just when you think you are on the most steep mountain peak, and as if you are surrounded by the latter, the infinite miracle of the sea is displayed with magic. Boat and boat trips

  • Boat and boat trips
  • Dipping
  • Seaweed: miracles of flora and fauna underwater
  • Underwater marine archeology
  • Visit to the karstic caves
  • Visit to the lagoons and water birds
  • Fishing

Price per person: €


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Tourism in Fantasy Sports

The sports tourism industry consists of many different forms of individual tourism and in groups of activities such as mountain climbing, hiking, extreme cycling, scuba diving, tennis, birding, skydiving, hunting and fishing

  • Skydiving
  • Flight with balloons
  • Trips with special cars
  • Extreme bicycle trips
  • Equitation
  • Scuba diving
  • Fishing

Price per person: €


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Tourism of beauty and health

In Albania there are many places with thermal waters or otherwise called "Llixha", as in Debar, Elbasan, Fushë Krujë, Përmet, etc. Beyond these, Albania has many areas with a very healthy climate.
Health and beauty tourism can be defined differently as providing health and beauty services to promote healthcare offers or diagnosis in Albanian centers.

  • Curative Thermal springs
  • Hotel in Climatic Areas
  • Thermal Physiotherapy
  • Health care
  • Beauty services – SPA

Price per person: €


më tepër...
  • Albanese
  • Inglese
  • Italiano